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2010-04-25 Remus chukled, "Yes you'll stop me boy?" He chukled and kicked Max again
Max yelped as he went back and hit the side on his crib he whimpered
2010-04-25 Remus laughed, "Yeah ri..." He dispered in the future
Max cryed he had a few broken ribs and his arm was cut from when he was kicked in to the crib it caught on the crib side and you could see the bone
2010-04-25 Max screamed more shaking his sceamed sounded like he was gargling water a but casue one of the broken rips punshured a lung and it was filling with blood :O
2010-04-25 Elina."Future.
Alyla sighed."Thats where he is"
Armond kissed Max's head as he held him close
2010-04-25 Max took a sip and smiled holding Armond's hands making him move up and he drank the cup which had been full
2010-04-25 Max finshed it
Niol, "Ummm you guys do know you just gave him AB- vergins blood, and your supost to give kids like o+ to start."
2010-04-25 Max frowned and made whining sounds reaching for it
Niol, "You guys gave him the good blood have fun."
2010-04-25 Max, "No downs!" He yelled never really getting like this before
Niol frowned, "Whats wrong with him?"
2010-04-25 Max frowned, and throgh up
Niol, "Told you something was wrong." He reached over to the blood glass and sniffed it her frowned and passed it to Aro who had the best nose
2010-04-25 Aro took it and sniffed."Fucki
Aro."It's poisoned."
Alyla gasped."What?" she stood up and walked over to Max.
Armond picked up Max and held him as Alyla cleaned off the sick with a cloth
2010-04-25 Niol frowned, "Didn;t we find out Max is algrigc like more than we are too?"
Max whimpered
2010-04-25 Armond sighed."Nice."
Alyla took Max and held him."Lets get him to the SB hospital. Armond got get changed."
Armond."Yes mother." he walked out the room
2010-04-25 Armond walked back into the room and he took Max off his mother. He held Max close as he teleported to the SB hospitail.
Alyla, Aro and Elina followed.
[Your the doc Max XD]
2010-04-25 DR. M nodded, "I'll call you back in a bit." He walked out with Max
DR. M came back with a frown
2010-04-25 DR M, "He's in a well he went in a coma from the alergic ratiob he's on mations you can come see him."
2010-04-25 DR M nodded he walked to the room where Max was and opened the door
Max layed with like a ton of machines hooked up on him
2010-04-25 Dr. M nodded, "OK." He walked to the waiting room, "Did any one else have any blood."
Niol shook his head
Max sleept
2010-04-25 Dr. M, "Right now where doing all we can where just trying to get the Silver out."
Niol, "Could he die?"
2010-04-25 Mr. M frowned at her, "I should go tell him." He nodded and walked to Max's room knocking on the door, "Mr. Turrner."
Niol frowned and hugged his mum
2010-04-25 Niol, "It will be ok?"
DR. M, "Well about your son there's about a 50% chance he might die."
2010-04-26 A nurse and a doctor ran in.
Nurse, "Sir step out." She told Armond as the doctor went to Max
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